As the world is locked indoors and social isolation has not only become a government-mandated rule, but also a common practice people are getting used to- there has been a rise in gambling activities across the internet. Simply put, Thailand Casino online gambling is any kind of gambling that takes place on the internet.
Healthcare workers and global agencies have been noticing a sharp rise in the number of online gambling activities in the last two months. The surge can directly be linked to people having a lot more time at home with their devices and the fact that socializing is not allowed at the moment.
In stressful times like these, dopamine-rich activities such as online gambling can induce high levels of stress and anxiety in people. While gaining money is exciting, losing some to an online gamble can prove detrimental especially because savings are helping people get by during the pandemic.
The situation of online gambling!
The rise in online gambling can also be linked to the high retrenchment rates in recent time. Many people have lost their jobs due to Coronavirus and are helpless. It is very common for people to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as binge eating, online gambling, and even drugs.
AlphaBeta, an analytics firm has released data that shows online betting in Australia has risen by a staggering 67% in the first week of April alone.Since sporting events have been shut down, people have been betting and gambling on trivial things such as political agendas, what will ministers say in the next public announcement, and if the lockdown will be extended further or not.
Government agencies globally are encouraging people to turn to healthier methods of passing time such as hobbies and exercise. Many agencies have also set up hotlines for people that suffer from mental health issues and cannot seek therapy.Turning to healthier ways of dealing with emotions is essential for helping people control their urges to gamble online.
Why gamble online?
While online gambling is perfectly acceptable and legal if done in moderation, people have been using it as a means of distraction and have been going overboard with “trying their luck”.
People need to realize that gambling in any form is okay as long as it is done for recreation and not as a form of escapism. In households with children, it particularly concerns that online gambling might have a negative effect. Frustrated parents can often use children as their outlet and gambling is proven as a stress-inducing agent.
The conclusion:
It might not be a cause of concern at an individual scale, but online gambling at a large scale, especially when money is of the essence during a pandemic like this can prove detrimental to the economy.